
THE BEET - January 12


Organic:‘An age-old growth driver that’s here to stay,’ says Nielsen

Organicproducts are mainstream and boosting the industries top-line, according toNielsen. While consumers of all ages spent more on organics in 2018 than in2017, there “ability to inspire growth isn’t ubiquitous to all areas of thestore” and producers need to understand their categories fundamental drivers,Nielsen added. Read Mary Ellen Shoup’s story on Nielsen’sfindings over at Food Navigator-USA.

China allows first-ever imports of US rice ahead of tradetalks

Photoby Vitchakorn Koonyosying

China,the world’s largest rice market will allow US imports of rice for the firsttime. The announcement was made by the national customs body after a decade oftalks and comes as the two countries hold trade negotiations. To read moreabout this announcement, go to Reuters.

Three emerging markets to watch for APAC food industrygrowth in 2019

Photoby Andre Benz

India,Japan, and South East Asia are three APAC markets with significant potentialfor growth, according to Food Navigator-Asia. In India, the organic food markethas significant government support and is expected to grow from US$500 millionto $1.5 billion in 2 years. While the Halal market in Japan is expected to growdue to the Olympics and the demand for processed foods. In South East Asia,urbanization, high purchasing power, and international travel are increasingthe adoption of a Western diet, including the consumption of bread. Visit Food Navigator-Asiato read more about these three picks.

2018 a record year for fizz sales says WSTA

Photoby Joseph Chan

In2018, combined sales of sparkling wine and Champagne reached a record of nearly£2.2 billion, according to to the Wine & Spirit Trade Association. Salesrose across the board as consumers explored other bubbly options like Crémant.A spokesperson at Marks & Spencers said crémant gaineda 300% sales boost in the UK due to its value and quality. Go to Drinks Retailing Newsto read Nigel Huddleston’s article on this story.

China reduces Australian wine tariffs to zero

Photoby Scott Warman 

SinceJanuary 1, Australian wine exports to China have been subject to 0% tariffs asa result of a free trade agreement signed in 2015. Australia is China’ssecond-biggest source of imported wine, behind France which is imposed a 14%tariff. You can find the full story reported by Natalie Wang at The Drinks Business. 

SIAL China is the largest food and beverage expo in Asia.In 2019, it takes place May 14-16 in Shanghai at the Shanghai New InternationalExpo Center. For more information visit www.SIALChina.com, or contact us at info@sialchina.cn

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